bl run

Run a resource on blaxel

bl run resource-type resource-name [flags]


bl run agent my-agent --data '{"inputs": "Hello, world!"}'
bl run model my-model --data '{"inputs": "Hello, world!"}'
bl run function my-function --data '{"query": "4+2"}'


      --data string          JSON body data for the inference request
      --debug                Debug mode
      --header stringArray   Request headers in 'Key: Value' format. Can be specified multiple times
  -h, --help                 help for run
      --local                Run locally
      --method string        HTTP method for the inference request (default "POST")
      --params strings       Query params sent to the inference request
      --path string          path for the inference request
      --upload-file string   This transfers the specified local file to the remote URL

Options inherited from parent commands

  -o, --output string      Output format. One of: pretty,yaml,json,table
  -u, --utc                Enable UTC timezone
  -v, --verbose            Enable verbose output
  -w, --workspace string   Specify the workspace name


  • bl - Blaxel CLI is a command line tool to interact with Blaxel APIs.