Deploy agents
Ship your custom AI agents on Blaxel in a few clicks.
An agent can be uploaded into Blaxel from a variety of origins.
- From our pre-built template: you can use the Blaxel web console to assemble an agent using models and functions already deployed on Blaxel. It will use a default LangChain ReAct agent.
- Using Blaxel CLI to deploy a custom agent: this method is detailed down below on this page.
- From a GitHub repository
Deployment life-cycle
Deploying an agent
Deploying an agent will create the associated agent deployment. At this time:
- it is reachable through a specific endpoint
- it does not consume resources until it is actively being invoked and processing inferences
- its status can be monitored either on the console or using the CLI/APIs
Deploy an agent by running the following CLI command:
Read our reference for agent deployments.
Managing revisions
As you iterate on software development, you will need to update the version of an agent that is currently deployed and used by your consumers. Every time you build a new version of your agent, this creates a revision. Blaxel stores the 10 latest revisions for each object.
Revisions are atomic builds of your deployment that can be either deployed (accessible via the inference endpoint) or not. This system enables you to:
- rollback a deployment to its exact state from an earlier date
- create a revision without immediate deployment to prepare for a future release
- implement progressive rollout strategies, such as canary deployments
Important: Revisions are not the same as versions. You cannot use revisions to return to a previous configuration and branch off from it. For version control, use your preferred system (such as GitHub) alongside Blaxel.
Deployment revisions are updated following a blue-green paradigm. The Global Inference Network will wait for the new revision to be completely up and ready before routing requests to the new deployment. You can also set up a canary deployment to split traffic between two revisions (maximum of two).
bl deploy
), the new traffic routing depends on the --traffic
option. Without this option specified, Blaxel will automatically deploy the new revision with full traffic (100%) if the previous deployment was the latest revision. Otherwise, it will create the revision without deploying it (0% traffic).Executions and inference requests
Executions (a.k.a inference executions) are ephemeral invocations of agent deployments by a consumer. Because Blaxel is serverless, an agent deployment is only materialized onto one of the execution locations when it actively receives and processes requests. Workload placement and request routing is fully managed by the Global Inference Network, as defined by your environment policies.
Read more about querying agents in this documentation.
Deactivating an agent deployment
Any agent deployment can be deactivated at any time. When deactivated, it will no longer be reachable through the inference endpoint and will stop consuming resources.
Agents can be deactivated and activated at any time from the Blaxel console, or via API or CLI.
Deploy an agent from code
This section assumes you have developed an agent locally, as explained in this documentation, and are ready to deploy it.
To run your agent on Blaxel, you must package it by using the Blaxel SDK so Blaxel can identify the core resources to deploy: the main agent code, the standalone tools/functions it can use, and the model APIs it can query. This is what allows Blaxel to enable its features when your agent is deployed, such as secure connections to third-party systems or private networks, smart global placement of workflows, and much more.
Serve locally
You can serve the agent locally in order to make the
/ agent.ts
main function available on a local endpoint.
Run the following command to serve the agent:
Calling the provided endpoint will execute the agent locally while sandboxing the core agent logic, function calls and model API calls exactly as it would be when deployed on Blaxel. Add the flag --hotreload
to get live changes.
Deploy on production
You can deploy the agent in order to make the
/ agent.ts
main function callable on a global endpoint. When deploying to Blaxel, you get a dedicated endpoint that enforces your deployment policies.
Run the following command to build and deploy a local agent on Blaxel:
Agent deployment reference
You must choose one action model, which will be the reasoning and talking core of the agent. The model must be a model API referenced on Blaxel.
Read about the API parameters in the reference.
Select one or multiple functions to equip your agent with the ability to run custom code. This is optional, in which case your agent will only be able to talk.
Chaining and multi-agents
Multi-agent systems allow to better specialize each agent, with their specific set of tools and instructions.
You can chain other agents to an agent on Blaxel. When processing a consumer query, the agent will be able to handover the request to another agent that is chained to it if the action model considers it the best way to address the query.
Policies can be optionally attached to an agent deployment directly.
Select the memory size to allocate to the execution of the agent.
Query agents
Learn how to run consumers’ inference requests on your agent.